Open Business Model and Open Innovation

Samlekum para agan-agan bro n sis! Ketemu lagi sama saya di episode selanjutnya yaitu mengenai Open Business Model and Open Innovation.

Berhubung ane bergelut di dunia bisnis, ane pingin bagi-bagi cerita tentang topik di atas yaaa.. yauda langsung aja kalo gitu..

Pertama ane mau ngebahas tentang pengertian Open Innovation dulu yaa.. Biar lebih gampang kita singkat aja OI. Pada dasarnya OI berasal dari sebuah proses inovasi dari sebuah perusahaan yang tadinya menggunakan Closed Innovation sehingga muncul pembaharuan yang disebut sebagai OI. Setelah ane baca baca artikel dari internet berikut ini adalah pengertian dari OI itu sendiri

Open Innovation can thus be described as: combining internal and external ideas as well as internal and external paths to market to advance the development of new technologies. 

What does this mean?

In the first place, the shift described above means that companies have to become aware of the increasingly importance of open innovation. Not all good ideas are developed within the own company, and not all ideas should necessarily be further developed within the own firm’s boundaries. The table below further illustrates this:

Closed innovation principles Open innovation principles
The smart people in the field work for us. Not all the smart people in the field work for us. We need to work with smart people inside and outside the company.
To profit from R&D, we must discover it, develop it, and ship it ourselves. External R&D can create significant value: internal R&D is needed to claim some portion of that value.
If we discover it ourselves, we will get it to the market first. We don’t have to originate the research to profit from it.
The company that gets an innovation to the market first will win. Building a better business model is better than getting to the market first.
If we create the most and the best ideas in the industry, we will win. If we make the best use of internal and external ideas, we will win.
We should control our IP, so that our competitors don’t profit from our ideas. We should profit from others’ use of our IP, and we should buy others’ IP whenever it advances our business model.

This means that within the company a shift should take place in the way people look at the company and its environment. Involving other parties when developing new products and technologies can be of great added value. Think for instance about cooperation with other firms in your sector, suppliers, universities, and of course end-users.

The business model plays a crucial role in this is. After all, how and when external knowledge is required and used is to a large extent determined by the companies’ business model which describes how value can be created from innovations and which elements have to be sourced internally or externally

Nah penjelasan diatas ane dapet dari buku  Chesbrough, H. (2003), “Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology”, Harvard Business School Press.

Mengenai Open Business Model, kebetulan ane ngejalanin bisnis minuman kesehatan di Lombok, ane sekalian sharing ke agan agan mengenai bisnis ane dan OBM tersebut yaa.

Menurut wikipedia suatu model bisinis menggambarkan pemikiran tentang bagaimana sebuah organisasi menciptakan, memberikan, dan menangkap nilai-nilai, baik itu ekonomi, sosial, ataupun bentuk-bentuk nilai lainnya. Istilah model bisnis, karena itu, dipakai untuk ruang lingkup luas dalam konteks formal dan informal untuk menunjukkan aspek inti suatu bisnis, termasuk mencakup maksud dan tujuan, apa-yang-ditawarkan, strategi, infrastruktur, struktur organisasi, praktik-praktik niaga, serta kebijakan-kebijaan dan proses-proses operasional

Dari sumber yang sama, ane dapet pengertian ini :

“A business model is about the value that a firm offer to its customers, the segment of customers it targets to offer the value to, the scope of products/ services it offers to which segment of customers, the profit site it chooses, its sources of revenue, the prices it puts in the value offered its customers, the activities it must perform in offering that value, the capabilities these activities rest on, what a firm must do to sustain any advantages it has, and how well it can implement these elements of the business model”

The Business Model

To extract value from an innovation, a start-up (or any firm for that matter) needs an appropriate business model. Business models convert new technology to economic value.

For some start-ups, familiar business models cannot be applied, so a new model must be devised. Not only is the business model important, in some cases the innovation rests not in the product or service but in the business model itself.

Given the complexities of products, markets, and the environment in which the firm operates, very few individuals, if any, fully understand the organization’s tasks in their entirety. The technical experts know their domain and the business experts know theirs. The business model serves to connect these two domains.

Nah tadi sekilas mengenai pengertian bisnis model, pendapat ane secara umum dalam pemilihan OBM harus tepat, jika ingin membuat suatu bisnis bisa berawal dari sebuah inovasi yang dapat mempunyai nilai di mata masyarakat dan di integrasikan dengan nilai nilai yang sudah ada di dalam masyarakat dan dapat menjadi bisnis yang long lasting. Ane memulai bisnis minuman kesehatan di Nusa Tenggara Barat, ane menjadi distributor provinsi yang mengatur segala pendistribusian produk disana, ane memilih Mataram karena ane melihat Mataram adalah tempat yang sangat potensial untuk memulai suatu bisnis, dengan demografik yang ada sangat menunjang jika agan agan ingin memulai bisnis di sana karena kesempatannya sangat besar, wah kalo cerita terus bisa seharian nih gan hahahaha , kapan kapan kita lanjutin lagi yaa..

Oke sekian dulu dari ane, mohon maaf jika ada salah kata, kalo ada sumur di ladang boleh kita menumpang mandi, yauda ane mandi dulu yaa


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